City of Belgrade award is awarded annualy, in April, for previous year.
ngbAward was established in 2002.
Award was given in fifteen and the eighteen, finally in
nineteen disciplines for:

  1. Literature and translation creativity
  2. The theatrical creativity
  3. Film and Broadcasting creativity
  4. Art and design, visual and extended media
  5. Music and musical theater production  
  6. Natural sciences and engineering fields
  7. Science  and invention
  8. Medicine              
  9. Social and Human sciences
  10. Architecture and urban planning  
  11. Agriculture    
  12. Journalism      
  13. Education  
  14. Sports      
  15. For Heroics  deed       
  16. Long-lasting performance and contribution to the development of Belgrade          
  17. Outstanding contribution to the events of importance to
  18. Creativity of youth in science   
  19. Creativity of youth in arts

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